Fire Marshall – Intermediate 07/10/22



Course Overview

The Fire Safety Order places the emphasis on risk reduction and fire prevention. Under the Order, people responsible for commercial buildings i.e. the employer, owner, or any other person who has control of any part of the premises, are required to carry out a mandatory detailed fire risk assessment identifying the risks and hazards in the premises. The risk assessment must be recorded if you have a total of five or more employees.

Aims & Objectives

  • Consider who may be especially at risk.
  • Eliminate or reduce the risk from fire as far as is reasonably practical and provide general fire precautions to deal with any risk.
  • Take additional measures to ensure fire safety where flammable or explosive materials are used or stored.
  • Create a plan to deal with any emergency and where necessary record any findings.
  • Maintain general fire precautions, and facilities provided for use by fire-fighters.
  • Keep any findings of the risk assessment under review.
  • It’s important to know that fire certificates are no longer issued and existing certificates are no longer valid. A fairly recent fire certificate however may be a good starting point for your fire risk assessment.

Course Audience

Adult practitioners in the health and social care sector.

Course Duration

7 hours

This course is accredited by Advantage Accreditation.

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