Course Overview
This course provides progression from the Safeguarding Children Foundation Level Online course. This is a half day classroom-based training session for people working with children and young people. Learners will be encouraged to think about their responsibilities in safeguarding, the process to follow when allegations and disclosures are made and how to respond to poor practice. The course features a range of group work, activities and discussions to enhance learner skill development. This training session can be accessed via a link and is accessible from a range of devices including IOS and Android platforms.
This course offers a blended learning approach including a short scenario, a workbook, infographics and a classroom style training session.
Aims & Objectives
- Understanding what Safeguarding means in relation to Children.
- Identify why children are vulnerable and what the signs and indicators are.
- Understand how to respond and record and what needs to be reported.
- Identify what poor practice and what unsafe practice looks like.
- Understand how to whistle blow and what this means
- Introduce the Complaints Procedure and policies in relation to this.
Course Audience
Health Care Workers, Social Care Workers, Support Centre Practitioners, Youth Workers, Children’s Support Worker, Nursing Staff, Residential Care Staff, Teachers, Psychologists and Assistants, Nursery Workers
Course Duration
3 hours
Available Course Dates
Please click on the following dates to book onto a session:
This course is accredited by Open Awards ‘Badge of Excellence’
Course Price
The course price is £40 or 2 Credits