Safeguarding for Designated Officers – Advanced Level – 14/04/2021 & 15/04/2021



Course Overview

This course provides progression from the Safeguarding Intermediate Level course. This is a full 2 day classroom-based training session for people who hold designated officer roles, those in senior leadership and executive roles and those working with children and vulnerable adults. This course is to enable the learner to gain the skills needed to protect children and vulnerable adults at an operational and strategic level. Learners will be supported to analyse key legislation, guidance and demonstrate how this influences your organisation’s policies and procedures. Learners will also reflect on decision making, their own values and perspective and consider the impact that these have on professional practice. Over the two days, the session will identify barriers to reporting, the process to follow when concerns have been raised and the principles of serious case reviews and complex safeguarding investigations.  The course features a range of role play, group work, case scenario’s and activities and discussions to enhance learner skill development. This training session can be accessed via a link and is accessible from a range of devices including IOS and Android platforms.


This course offers a blended learning approach including a short scenario, a workbook, infographics and a classroom style training session.

Aims & Objectives

  • Identify what is meant by safeguarding and child abuse
  • Identify the relevant legislation and guidance that provides the framework for safeguarding young people
  • Name the categories of child abuse and neglect and recognise the signs and indicators of each
  • Recognise how own beliefs, experience and attitudes might influence professional involvement in safeguarding work
  • State how to respond to concerns about the safety and welfare of a child/young person using their organisations child protection policy and procedures
  • Identify blocks to children reporting concerns

Course Audience

Psychologists, Teachers, Speech Therapists, Learning Support Assistants, Residential Social Workers, Health Care Workers, Social Care Workers, Support Centre Practitioners, Youth Workers, Support Worker, Nursing Staff, Children’s Residential Care Workers, Education workers, Senior Managers and Executives working with children and vulnerable adults.

Course Duration

14 hours


This course is accredited by Open Awards Badge of Excellence

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