Course Overview

To provide an overview of the Mental Capacity Act, including deprivation of liberty to enhance competence and confidence in working within the framework of the Mental Capacity Act.  Legislation and interventions are included that could be implemented into the workplace.  It gives advice on how to establish a person’s best interest and explains how to plan ahead using the MCA.  It also includes a detailed description of DoLS and its relevance to staff and managers.

The activities are designed to encourage reflection which can also be implemented into the workplace.  A quiz is completed at the end of the course to consolidate learning. A session re-cap is held where the learner can ask any further questions and key factors are stated by the tutor.  Learners are given the opportunity to evaluate their learning experience.

Aims & Objectives

  • Explain the aims of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
  • Describe who might be affected by the Act Explain how and when to assess someone’s mental capacity
  • Outline the 5 principles of the MCA
  • Explain how to work out what is in a person’s best interests
  • Describe how to recognise restraint and deprivation of liberty
  • Outline the protections given by the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)


Course Audience

Adult practitioners in the health and social care sector


Course Duration

6 hours


This course is accredited by Advantage Accreditation.

Course Price

The course price is £80 or 4 Credits

Course Curriculum

  • Price Options +
  • 1 Days
  • Course Certificate
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