Course Overview
The course raises awareness of the factors affecting Child Development and provides information that the learner can use to help them respond appropriately should they need to improve the developmental needs of a child in the home. The content also covers the changes that occur in children’s behaviour and the various stages that affect children in care. The course features a range of group work, activities and discussions to enhance learner skill development. This training session can be accessed via a link and is accessible from a range of devices including IOS and Android platforms.
This course offers a blended learning approach including a short scenario, a workbook, infographics and a classroom style training session.
Aims & Objectives
- Define Child Development and explain why it is relevant to learners.
- Provide a background of Child Development and an overview of popular developmental theories.
- Include legislation relevant to Child Development and discuss factors that have a negative impact on child development
- Support learners to engage in reflective practice of both their approach and their values.
Course Audience
Residential Care Workers, Health Care Workers, Social Care Workers, Children’s Centre Practitioners, Youth Workers
Course Duration
3 hours
Available Course Dates
Please click on the following dates to book onto a session:
This course is accredited by Open Awards ‘Badge of Excellence’