Course Overview

The course provides advice, information and strategies to enable the learner to interview successfully and find the relevant candidates for staffing roles. The session provides legalities around interviewing, communication and recording and introduces the theories associated with interviewing styles including the Star and Probing methods. The course features a range of group work, activities and discussions to enhance learner skill development. This training session can be accessed via a link and is accessible from a range of devices including IOS and Android platforms.

This course offers a blended learning approach including a short scenario, a workbook, infographics and a classroom style training session.

Aims & Objectives

  • Provide skills for successfully interviewing candidates
  • Preparing for an interview
  • Structuring Interviews appropriately and in line with expectations.
  • Welcome candidates.
  • Developing awareness of techniques.
  • Develop legal and supporting interviewing and questioning skills
  • Be aware of key skills in practice.

Course Audience

This is a cross sector course and will benefit all professional’s, frontline workers and leaders.

Course Duration

3 hours

This course is accredited by Open Awards ‘Badge of Excellence’

Course Price

The course price is £40 or 2 Credits

Course Curriculum

  • Price Options +
  • 0 Days
  • Course Certificate
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