Course Overview

The course is designed to aid understanding and awareness of Mood and Behaviour Deregulation; it encourages each learner to reflect on their practice and others. Different types of conditions that cause Mood Deregulation are explained along with signs, symptoms and causes of the conditions.

Theory used in the practice of deregulating mood care is looked at. Activities are implemented to encourage learners to think how individuals may feel living with conditions that affect behaviour and mood. A key aspect that is addressed through activities, discussion and teaching is communication with individuals who have problems regulating their mood. A carer’s role in supporting these individuals is talked through with the allowance of Q&A with the learners. The course will also look at anger management and various techniques used to avoid physical interventions whenever possible.

The course has been designed to be interactive which will support the learners to reflect on how people with the conditions may feel about the world they live in. Discussions are facilitated in a mixture of small groups or all the group, with activities again having a variety of learning from an individual basis to the entire group. Finally, the quiz is completed at the end of the course to consolidate learning and hold a session re-cap where any questions can be asked if the learners have any.

Aims & Objectives

  • Recognise the importance of understanding emotions
  • Discuss different types of emotional disorders that cause disruptive behaviours
  • The relationship between ADHD, Autism, ODD and Mood Deregulation
  • Include the signs and symptoms experienced by children with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
  • Discuss anger management and the effects of anger on the brain
  • Provide techniques to manage and mitigate the risks associated with Mood Deregulation
  • Recognise and manage the relationships between mental health and mood deregulation


Course Audience

Adult practitioners in the health and social care sector.


Course Duration

7 hours


This course is accredited by Open Awards ‘Badge of Excellence’

Course Curriculum

  • Price Options +
  • 0 Days
  • Course Certificate
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