Foetal Alcohol Syndrome – Essential Level 07/07/22



Course Overview

This is a half day classroom-based training session for people who work with children and vulnerable adults.  This course is designed to aid understanding of the dangers of consuming alcohol whilst pregnant.  It gains an insight into how Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder can impact on the child and its carers.  It provides advice on how to support people with the disorder and provides visual displays of the physical symptoms. The course features a range of role play, group work, case scenario’s and activities and discussions to enhance learner skill development. This training session can be accessed via a link and is accessible from a range of devices including IOS and Android platforms.

This course offers a blended learning approach including a short scenario, a workbook, infographics and a classroom style training session.

Aims & Objectives

  • Define FASD and provide a background into its origin.
  • Discuss the symptoms of FASD and give examples of how the brain is affected.
  • Analyse how FASD affects the social, emotional and cognitive functioning of a child.
  • Provide legislation and prevalence around FASD.
  • Summarise how to support people with FASD.

Course Audience

Psychologists, Teachers, Speech Therapists, Learning Support Assistants, Residential Social Workers, Health Care Workers, Social Care Workers, Support Centre Practitioners, Youth Workers, Support Worker, Nursing Staff, Children’s Residential Care Workers, Education workers

Course Duration

3 hours

This course is accredited by Open Awards Badge of Excellence

The course price is £40 or 2 Credits

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