Introduction to Infection Control



This course raises awareness of the importance of infection control and provides knowledge on the types of infection, routes of transmission and measures to limit the spread of infection. This e-learning session can be accessed via a variety of electronic devices. The programme benefits from narrative scenarios and activities with ongoing assessment making it engaging and interactive

Aims & objectives

  • Provide background information on Infection Control and the importance of Public Health
  • Discuss legislation and policy relating to Infection Control
  • Highlight the importance of risk assessment and management in Infection Control
  • Include the Chain of Infection and how to break it
  • Enable learners to describe the types of infection, diseases that fall under the types of infection, routes of transmission and key principles of Infection Control
  • Include Infection Control measures related directly to children and vulnerable people and the responsibilities of staff and management


Course Audience – Practitioners in the Looked After Children’s Sector.

Course length – 20-30 minutes.


Accredited by Open Awards ‘Badge of Excellence’

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