Equality & Diversity



This course raises awareness of discrimination in and out of the home and provides information on how the learner can deal with cases of discrimination and promote equality and diversity in the home. This e-learning session can be accessed via a variety of electronic devices. The programme benefits from animated scenarios and activities with on-going assessment making it engaging and interactive.

Aims & objectives

  • define the terms ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’
  • provide an overview of legislation relating to equality and diversity
  • explain how the legislation affects your work with young people
  • provide examples of how equality and diversity can be promoted with CYP in the home
  • outline the effects of discrimination on CYP
  • highlight the importance of dealing with discrimination
  • explain how to help a CYP who is experiencing discrimination
  • highlight the importance of prevention and the need to talk to CYP about discrimination


Course Audience – Practitioners in the Looked After Children’s Sector.

Course length – 20-30 minutes.


Accredited by Open Awards ‘Badge of Excellence’

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